If I had a pound...
Your donations will make a big difference. Every penny helps to make this amazing project for Blackpool a reality.
Here is an idea of the types of things that need funding.
Did you know it costs £160 to restore an object like Doodles shoes? Doodles was the lead clown at Blackpool Tower Circus for 30 years from 1915. His clown shoes will be on display in the Roll Up! Roll Up! gallery.
Did you know it costs £30 for materials at every workshop we deliver with children, young people, teachers and groups?
It’s going to cost £300 to restore the framed portrait of Linda Nolan. This item was mounted on the wall in Maggie May’s Showbar. Linda performed there for eight years on Blackpool’s Central Pier in the late 1980s.

Want to donate?
How it works?
Your donations - donations are made through our charity, the Blackpool Heritage and Museum Trust. The Trust’s charity number is 1205103. Any donations made will follow the Donor Charter.
Gift Aid - Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows Showtown to claim tax back on eligible donations. For every £1 you donate Showtown can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.
Your donation will support Showtown and its work.