Families with children aged between 0-4 years are invited to have fun playing, creating and exploring together.
Sessions are FREE but booking in advance is essential to avoid disappointment. Spaces are limited per session.
2 sessions will run every two weeks. Session A: 10am - 11am, Session B: 11am - 12noon.

How was Showtots created?
Between 2022 and 2024, Showtown worked alongside Blackpool parents and carers, Better Start and the artists, Maura and Harriet from Interference Art to develop these sessions.
Through sessions out in community spaces Maura and Harriet build up the confidence of families around interacting and communicating with their babies and toddlers. The sessions helped improve cognitive functions, early communication development, taking turns and understanding of the world around them. It allowed the parents/carers a break and a supportive chat whilst their babies and toddlers learnt socialising techniques.

Meet the Artists
Maura and Harriet are artists who like to work within the community. They enjoy projects which create spaces, places and resources that connect people to their past, their area and each other. When they work with communities they create moments of playfulness, a chance for you to be curious and find your voice and most of all have fun. Maura and Harriet developed the play ideas and resources that families can enjoy in our Showtots sessions today.