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Laughter Club

Laughter Club was developed by Showtown and the West End Players (based in Morecambe) with funding from the UK Government through the Shared Prosperity Fund.

We have delivered two 8 week comedy courses for adults who are finding life tough, many of whom had the course socially prescribed through the NHS or social services.

We came together once a week for 2 hours to have a laugh, build confidence and resilience. The group got to know each other through sharing stories, playing games and having a go at improvised scenarios.

Guided by performer and comedian, Matt Panesh, they learnt how to turn the difficult moments life throws at you into a stand up set. They enjoyed the companionship, surprised themselves with their performance abilities and even found the confidence to share their comedy sets in a comedy venue (most recently Dirty Blondes) for a supportive audience.

This community outreach project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.